0203 107 6444

0203 107 6444



Square Foot manages the entire disposal process for clients.

Utilising our substantial experience in the commercial property arena, Square Foot will devise a disposal strategy.

This may involve negotiation of a lease surrender with the Landlords – usually the first port of call in any disposal programme.

Should it not be possible to agree a lease surrender, a new tenant will need to be found.  We will appoint and manage local disposal agents - in this way, our clients retain a single point of contact and obtain regular marketing updates in whatever format is agreed.

Through our proactive approach, we aim to ensure that surplus accommodation is disposed of on the best possible terms within the shortest period of time.

Contact us

To discuss your specific commercial property requirements please do not hesitate to contact Ian Pearson.

T: 0203 107 6444

E: solutions@squarefoot.co.uk

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